Occupational Therapy

toddler girl in child occupational therapy session doing sensory playful exercises

OT is a related service that may be needed to help a child benefit from special education services. Therapy focuses on the students’ access to the curriculum and other school functions as well as students’ independence in the school setting. FCSS teachers may refer to the OT for consultation and collaboration. If an OT assessment is warranted, the OT will prepare an Assessment Plan and coordinate with the classroom teacher to obtain necessary signatures. After the assessment is completed with the IEP team, the need and scope of services necessary for the student to benefit from his or her educational program will be determined. Therapy is provided in collaboration with school staff. Most frequently, therapy is integrated and provided in the students’ natural environments (e.g., classroom, lunchroom, playground, etc). The students’ teachers and paraprofessionals are trained for effective carryover of skills.

Contact Belinda Meyer, Principal, at 559-265-3048 or bmeyer@fcoe.org