Orientation & Mobility Services

The Orientation and Mobility ("O&M") Instruction program provides assessments, instruction, consultation and support services for all eligible children and infants through age 21.
A credentialed orientation and mobility specialist provides the following services: Instruction in skills and knowledge that enable independent travel, including: concept development, body imagery, laterality, directionality, environmental concepts, fine and gross motor skills, sensory awareness, sighted guide and protective techniques, use of residual vision, cane travel, methods of traveling a route, mapping skills, use of public transportation, emergency procedures, self help skills and appropriate behavior; Instruction and incorporation of terminology for O&M; Environmental modifications and adaptations for the home and school.
The orientation and mobility specialist works closely with teachers of the visually impaired, parents, classroom teachers, and other professionals and agencies to meet the needs of the student with visual impairment. The O&M specialist can provide direct service to children, consultation service to classroom teachers of visually impaired students and staffing services to schools to provide support.
Contact Dr. Jennifer Witt-Silva, Principal, at 559-443-4880 or jennifer.silva@fcoe.org.